A-Z Book Survey

I have seen so many people complete this survey in my time blogging and I think it is finally my turn. I’d love to revisit this in a year or so and see if my answer change also. But anyway, let’s get in to it…

Author you’ve read the most books from:

Taking to Goodreads for this one and it turns out Colleen Hoover is my most read author. I think this is because I am terrible at finishing series and CoHo brings out so many easy to read, slightly hard hitting contemporaries and that is exactly what I love to read.

Best sequel:

I just said I am awful at continuing series. So many popular series are fantasy are fantasy and I am not a big fantasy fan, however, I did bloody love A Court of Mist and Fury. I felt like there was a lot of character development and enough threat, but not loads of battle scenes which bore me a bit.

Currently reading:

Outlander, which I have been reading ALL month. I’m so close to done thankfully!

Drink of choice when reading:

Look, I know it isn’t great for me, but I generally live off Pepsi Max. Nothing else measures up. I don’t like tea or coffee so I even drink it through winter.

E-reader or physical book:

If I had to pick I’d prefer a physical book. Nothing is better really. But I acknowledge that I read a whole lot more in my Kindle app. I find it so versatile and easy to hold. I can read on my Kindle in the dark too so I don’t need to turn out a light when I’m done. Also, sometimes books are so cheap or even free on Kindle and I am on a budget!

Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school:

Haha… Oh I don’t know, anybody who was nice to me?

Glad you gave this book a chance:

A Sky Painted Gold by Laura Wood. I have posted a full review here. This was a pick for my YA book club, it was pitched as historical fiction and that’s not really my thing. But I ended up loving it, maybe because I went in with low expectations.

Hidden book gem:

Hmm… maybe How to Build a Girl by Catlin Moran. I just found it hilarious and I don’t think that many people are aware of it.

Important moment in your reading life:

Maybe starting bookstagram? Because it gives me an opportunity to speak to so many other book lovers.

Just finished:

This Mortal Coil which was my YA book club’s pick for February. I didn’t love this one, I didn’t get into it and it took me the whole month to read. I don’t know which caused which! The cover is beautiful though!

Kinds of books you wont read:

Look I know I don’t like fantasy much, but the hype drags me in. Everyone else seems to love it and it makes me feel like I should too. I think I can cope with some YA fantasy, but adult is probably a bit too much of a stretch for me.

Longest book you’ve read:

Oh definitely It by Stephen King. I still don’t know why I did  that to myself… Just because the movie was coming out?! It was a rough ride.

Major book hangover because of:

I don’t really get book hangovers which I am pleased about!

Number of bookcases you own:

Sadly I only have one of the IKEA Billy shelves and one other smaller cubed bookcase. These 100% do not fit my books and I need more but I have had to move back in with my mum and space is at a premium.

One book you have read multiple times:

I don’t really reread books because once I know what is going to happen in them, some of the magic is lost. If I reread, the book disappoints me and ends up not being as amazing as I remember…

Preferred place to read:

If the weather is nice, I love reading outside. The rest of the time, I probably read the most in bed, or in a big snuggle chair that my mum has!

Quote that inspires you from a book you’ve read:

I don’t know about inspires but I loved a number of quotes from After I do which I have posted in my review here. I also loved this one from The Exact Opposite of Okay:

We should reclaim the word ‘bitch’… It’s been used to silence opinionated women for too long. Women who won’t stand for injustice or mistreatment. They’re labelled bitches by men – and other women – who feel intimidated. Bitches bite back. And men hate that. Society hates that.

Reading regret:

I definitely buy and read books that have a lot of hype around them, even if they aren’t really my thing. I probably have wasted my time and money on a number of books I didn’t end up loving as a result. Here is a small selection of those books that everyone else seems to love, but just weren’t for me.

Series you need to finish:

Omg, every one I’ve ever started! To name a few; Shadowhunters, The Raven Cycle, Harry Potter, The Grishaverse…

Three of your all time favourite books:

A Little Life, The Exact Opposite of Okay, and How to Build a Girl.

Unapologetic fan girl for:

After by Anna Todd. I know that not everyone will support this series and yes it is problematic, but it also is a fun time. Who doesn’t want a drama filled romance?!

Very excited for this release more than anything else:

It is a total tie between The Quiet at the End of the Universe and A Girl Called Shameless. They both are published on 7th March, it is so close and I am very excited. I reached out to the publishers to try request both these titles because I really didn’t want to wait for them and I would like to support them. Unfortunately, I was turned down/didn’t hear anything so I am eagerly anticipating the 7th!

Worst bookish habit:

Probably putting a book down mid chapter. I often read when I get into bed and if I get tired I just stop and so when I pick the book back up, I have no idea what was going on.

X marks the spot, 27th on your shelf:

A  Court of Wings and Ruin!

Your most recent book purchase:

At book club yesterday I picked up In at the Deep End which I have already started. I am enjoying it a lot. I picked it up because I thought it would reflect aspects of my life and be a book I could connect with, especially as the protagonist is also a mid twenties Civil Servant.

Zzz snatcher – A book that kept you up way too late:

Too Late by Colleen Hoover. I think this was free on kindle or iBooks and I picked it up before bed and didn’t put it down until I was done at about 5am… And I had work that day.

So this was fun to do! I think I definitley will come back and review my answers in a year or so to see how they have changed!

18 thoughts on “A-Z Book Survey

  1. I S A B E L L E F L Y N N says:

    I really need to read A Little Life but it full-on broke one of my best friends when he read it a few years back. I just know I’m going to love it though!

    Liked by 1 person

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